What do I do to help? Well, my minister is doing a series called "God is Green," but I'm always helping with children's church, so I have yet to hear any of his messages on the matter. Recycle--that's probably a part of them.
In order to conserve water, I often take showers with my husband. That's helping. I don't litter. Prize # 2. And, I enjoy the creativity of this beautiful earth. I don't take it for granted. I breathe in all that I can. I respect it, I care for it, I live it. It's solace for me. The mere presence of its colours illuminates my heart and awakens the adventuresome journeyman in me.
Apparently there's a lot of cospouse-showering going on these days. I'm a fan.
I'm going to chastise you for not listening to your pastors sermons. I hope you're listening to some kind of podcasts during the week. You need to have some teaching just like everyone else in the church.
I'm going to say "TMI" on all the spouse showering.
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