Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Been a long time--and now for an update

So it's been a while. To be honest, I just got tired of trying to come up with things to post, writing them, wanting to post pictures and get people excited about my blog. But, I figured that since it has been so long, and since some really cool things are happening, I'd post and get back into it.

Wes and I are here in the great state of Oklahoma. Sure, the roads are bad and the drivers here just pretty much suck at driving, but the city of Tulsa is cool and we're having a good time spending life with Wes' parents. We got here in Sept of 2008and plan on moving to Colorado by the Fall. We're substitute teaching and through that, have learned that, in fact, we love to teach and we're moving into becoming certified and teaching full time when we do get to Colorado. So that's really awesome and we're so glad that we took the risk of leaving two good-paying jobs and the closeness of friends and family in IL to come here.

We have been visiting different churches in town and have grown to really feel a part of one in specific--LifeChurch. The concept is awesome: the church is spread out among different states all across the US, and even has a campus in London. So, it's one big church that meets all the way from Phoenix to New York, even down to Florida and you can even access it on the Internet. They call each church a "campus," each event and "experience," and all of the campuses have their own ministers, small groups, youth programs, etc, but the common thread is Craig Groeschel. Wes and I have been so excited to hear him because he really does talk about the hard topics that a lot of ministers stray away from. He convicts you, he challenges you, and he has a vision that we can so clearly stand behind. LifeChurch is considered a "seeker-sensitive" movement, so the music is loud, the people who walk into their doors every weekend are typically young, urban, etc, and that is pretty refreshing. We are being challenged in our faith which is something we have been lacking for a while now. So we're pretty psyched about it.

And the biggest thing happening in our lives--we're heading to Uganda in just under two weeks. We are so excited and the idea that we'll be there hasn't really hit me yet. We'll be leaving Feb 9th and returning back to the States on Feb 24th, where we will have been on three different continents in just 2 weeks. We will get to spend a couple of nights in London which will be fun, and God has totally blessed us with most of the funds and support that we need. Wes will actually get to give a couple of messages while we're there, which is so exciting, and we'll be taking tons of pictures and I'll be keeping a journal of our daily experiences to share with you and those not blog prone.

So yeah, life has been really great for us since the last time I posted, though it has been scary and uncomfortable, too. But that's good...that requires me to rely more on my faith than on anything else; something that I've needed and recongnized that I needed for some time now.