Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wes' Birthday Bash

Today, Wes and I had a bunch of friends over to celebrate, early, his 30th birthday. That's right. My husband, the sexiest man alive, will be turning 30 next week. Thursday to be exact. But next week is crazy busy, so we thought we'd celebrate the fun early. I spent all morning and afternoon making his food requests:

Key Lime Pie
Spinach Dip
Spicey Bites
Giant cooke/birthday cake

And Wes, being the awesome husband he is, spent the afternoon helping me clean the house for our guests. We had thirteen people in our house, half of which were kids under the age of ten. Dinosaurs were rampant, Doritos flying, kids screaming with excitement--not really sure if they thought the celebration was for them. I even got to play Hide-N-Seek with the other Wilson kids and, well, we don't really have too many places to hide outside, so we made forts with boxes. And now, as I sit on our couch with Jacob, a friend's son, watching "High School Musical 2" while Wes and his dudes play poker, I am just so excited to have someone to serve in this way. He has continually told me all day long how much he loves me and how much it means to him that I have thrown together this party. He was so excited to have everyone over to just hang with some great friends. And I am just so excited I married this amazing guy who loves me and makes me feel so very special, even on his most special day.

So happy early birthday, my love! This is just the beginning ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What We Do, Not What We Are

Sorry we have not blogged in a while...password problems. Blech!

I (Amanda) thought it might be good to let you bloggers know what my husband and I do. These are our jobs, and they do not define us. Well, atleast mine doesn't. I'll explain.

Wes is a student minister. His heart is for people to learn who God is and how much He loves them, and then to use their gifts within a ministry to then help others see who God is and how much He loves them. And he loves his students. I mean...he really does. He aches for them when they're going through messiness in life, he takes joy with them when they're growing closer to Christ or when something cool happens. He wants them to grow in a deeper relationship with their Creator, and he works so hard. I am so proud of him.

I am a Project Manager. I work for a telecommunications company that handles voice and Internet. In a quick nutshell, I take the paperwork that our sales people fill out, comb them to ensure everything is in order before passing the project out to another Project Manager. In addition to that, I manage the workload of six other people, handle my own workload, handle spreadsheets for my manager, and complete special projects. It's been crazy busy for the past four months or so and we're all looking for a chance to breath.

So, that's what the Wilsons do. Who they are...well, we'll leave that for another post.