Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Pros and Cons of Colorado

There arne't too many things about Colorado that I didn't like, so this list may look a little lopsided. :)

Wes' Pros:
The Mountains
Aspen Trees and their leaves turning gold
Beaver-like animals
The Beauty
Estes Park Downtown
Comfort 8 Hotel
Climbing to the top of mountains

Amanda’s Pros:
The Vastness
The Mountains
The sounds of running water
Climbing rocks and getting stuck (what a rush!)
Estes Park Shopping
Grand Lake, CO
The Beauty of everything I experienced
Climbing to the tops of mountains and being 13,000 ft high
The neverending things to do

Wes' Cons:
That we're not living there now

Amanda’s Cons:
That we're not living there now
The limited amount of oxygen
The high altitude and what it does to me
(Warning**Gross) My constant need to poo
Gas is expensive in Estes, but comparable to IL everywhere else

So yes, pros and cons, but we're definitely making a plan to move to Colorado sometime in the near future. Beforehand, we just thought we'd retire there. Now, after being in this beautiful state together, we've decided to scratch waiting for retrirement and move there while we're young. We can't wait!!


Billy Chia said...

I just had a conversation yesterday about how beautiful Colorado is. Sounds like you guys had a fun time.

Sarah said...

Glad you guys had such fun!