Sunday, July 22, 2007

Adaptation of Lives

Marriage is great. It really is. It's fun, romantic, totally adventurous, and exciting. And it's also hard. Both Wes and I admitted to this before we got married. We knew it would be difficult to meshe our two lives and living regimens togther. But how difficult was yet to be seen until it actually happened. I mean, you can only prepare so much for something that you've haven't yet encountered. Marriage is one of those "things." But it's so much bigger than preparing for, say the Olympics. So much bigger...

Let's take the way I, Amanda, enjoy my evening shower. I don't actually dry off immediately, but wait several minutes before doing so. I wash my face, apply lotion, enjoy the cleanliness. Wes, on the other hand, dries off fairly immediately, after he enjoys the first few seconds after the shower. Different yet, but in the end, the same result appears...two dry people.

This is a very small fraction of the difficulty in merging two lives together, but still important nevertheless. It reminds us that the small things can and will cause dissension from time to time. They will cause arguements (the shower doesn't right now, but hey, who knows...there could be a riot in the bathroom sometime in the future :), and frustration. But as Billy Chia once wrote in a recent blog post, a marriage without arguments is a marriage without passion. How true of a statement that is. Passion is what drives us to love. I am deeply passionate about my husband, as he is about me. So we'll take a dose of an arguement from to time. It's good for us!

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