Saturday, October 6, 2007

What I've noticed

I (Amanda) don't blog as much as others. I asked myself why this may be and concluded the following:

I spend, on average, 40 hrs spread amongst 5 days in front of the computer. Now, to some, this is child's play, much like a little girl spending hours upon hours every day playing with her Barbies, or a little guy spending much of his days blowing stuff up. But these are not hours searching the web, or just going from one page to the next. This is constant switching to and from multiple software programs, continually researching, non-stop spreadsheets, etc etc. This is the nature of my job. This is why my blogging is more sporatic than others...or so I have concluded.

I'm not saying that there aren't many others who spend just as much time in front of the computer as I do, if not more, nor am I saying that there aren't bloggers out there who spend more time on their computer than I do and manage to post more often. I'm just saying that, for me, my job is why I don't post as often as I'd like. My work requires many windows to be open at once, and I just get tired of typing and looking at the screens, researching, navigating. I want to post more. Wes wants to post more. We just find ourselves in this constant state of technology. It's really nice to get a break from it.

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